EARTH Law, LLC founding principal, Courtney N. Moran, LL.M., was proud to present at The American Hemp Farming Expo 2020: The Business of Hemp Farming from Growing to Selling, Supply & Demand – Live Virtual Edition on May 8th 2020.
**Please note this blog was updated below with the full video link 5/20/20.
This FREE, all-day online experience, included a series of 30 minute live online sessions given by industry experts in their field. Here’s a list of the sessions:
How to select your hemp genetics
Hemp seedling v.s clones vs. direct sow
Agronomy 101: Best practices in hemp
Best practices for integrated pest management for hemp
Techniques to harvest hemp at today’s price points
Farming cannabinoids: The business of hemp
Panel Discussion: State of the Union in Hemp
State of the Union in Hemp
Courtney participated as one of six panelists in the State of the Union in Hemp presentation from 2:45 to 4:00pmCT (12:45pm to 2pm PT). This was the longest session of the day and included a question and answer session regarding the current state of federal hemp legislation and rulemaking.
We strongly encourage anyone interested or involved in hemp production or related industries to watch for this free event webinar!
EARTH Law Virtual Consultations
We understand that COVID-19 has disrupted your everyday life and we want you to know that we are here to offer you support during this challenging time. EARTH Law, LLC remains open for business and Courtney N. Moran, LL.M. is available to provide virtual consultations on recent updates regarding the OR 2020 Session, USDA enforcement discretion guidance, Secretary Perdue’s testimony to Congress, and FDA’s report on CBD to Congress as well as any concerns you have about the upcoming 2020 production season.
If we can provide guidance on any of these topics or anything else regarding your farm or business, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 541-632-3946 or