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HB 3000 Signed into Law- New Changes Underway to Protect Oregon Hemp Program!

The signing of HB 3000 into law is cause for our compliant Oregon hemp program participants to look forward to the changes ahead that are intended to protect their business interests.

While the 2021 Legislative Session was fraught with tension between the hemp industry, lawmakers, law enforcement, and regulators due to issues arising around sales of hemp-derived products, the regulation of hemp processing, and enforcement to eliminate illegal cannabis operations, the Session thankfully concluded with collaboration and compromise! Early in Session state lawmakers and law enforcement expressed concerns over program enforcement issues and psychoactive hemp-derived products like delta-8 making their way into the hands of minors, but their original proposals to resolve these concerns threatened untold damage to the longevity of our industry. Thanks to targeted negotiations with the Oregon Industrial Hemp Farmers Association (OIHFA) and Farm Bureau, those threats have been averted. By the end of the Session, industry, agencies, and law enforcement were all able to come together to the workable solution of HB 3000.

HB 3000 Chief Sponsor- Chairman Rep. Marty Wilde commented that the bill helps “the many honest hemp and marijuana farmers… [and] also provides for a state hemp plan – an essential step in allowing us to regulate our own industry, rather than relying on federal enforcement…Overall, the state plan supports legal growers and the public.”

A few key pieces of the enacted bill include:

  1. Bringing the ODA Hemp Program into compliance with 2018 Farm Bill and USDA Final Rules, giving ODA the tools needed to submit our State Plan to USDA

  2. Maintaining ODA regulatory authority over hemp production and processing

  3. Creating protection for work-in-process hemp transported withIN Oregon

  4. Amending the Import/Export criminal penalty threshold from 0.3% to 1%

  5. Setting up a regulatory framework for sales of delta-8 and adult use cannabinoids

  6. Establishes 21+ age requirement for sales of adult use cannabis items

  7. OLCC, ODA, and OHA to work in collaboration to set concentration limits for adult use cannabinoids in rule

  8. Establishing Task Force on Cannabis-Derived Intoxicants

Both ODA and OLCC are beginning rulemaking right away to address the provision that took effect upon passage, including the restrictions on product sales to minors.

Please call us for any questions on HB 3000, ODA or OLCC rulemakings; enforcement inspections, or any questions on how these changes to Oregon’s Hemp Program and Oregon Hemp Law may impact your business!

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