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HB 2284: Hemp Commodity Commission: Signed into Law!

HB 2284 establishing the hemp commodity commission was signed into law yesterday, June 14!

HB 2284 declares that:

 The production, processing, manufacture and distribution of hemp and hemp products constitute a paramount industry of this state that not only provides substantial and required revenues for the state and its political subdivisions, and employment and a means of livelihood for many thousands of its population, but also provides essential foods, supplements and other agricultural, commercial and industrial products that are vital to the public health and welfare

and that 

The stabilization, maintenance and expansion of the hemp industry of Oregon, and of the state, national and international markets for hemp products, are necessary…

The purpose of the Commission is to:

“enable the hemp industry, with the aid of the state, to develop, maintain and expand the state, national and international markets for hemp and hemp products produced, processed or manufactured in this state, and the use and consumption of hemp and hemp products in the state, national and international markets”; and

“to formulate and effectuate… sales stimulation and consumer or other educational programs designed to increase the use and consumption of hemp and hemp products and to conduct research, education and information programs related to the hemp industry.”

HB 2284 provides the framework for the establishment of the Commission:

Temporary Commissioners (appointed after application to serve) will set rules for the Commission. The bill provides for 7 Temporary Commissioners, comprising 5 growers registered in the program for at least 3 years, 1 handler registered in the program for at least 3 years, and one member of the public.

Once rules are in place by the Temporary Commission, the Commissioners are appointed (after application to serve). Commissioners may serve a term of 4 years, and are eligible for re-appointment, unless otherwise provided by the Commission in rule.

The Commission may levy an assessment, based on industry average unit price or on dollar value basis, of not more than 1.5%. The Commission has authority to collect a differential assessment in an amount determined by the commission by rule, based on the intended use, type or variety and value of the commodity. The actual assessment value is determined by the Commission. The Commission may also establish by rule exemptions from the assessments.

We look forward to the development of the Commission and the positive impact it provides to Oregon hemp!

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EARTH Law, LLC  © 2024 3439 NE Sandy Blvd, #672  Portland, OR 97232  (541) 632-3946  |
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