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Engage in Virtual Advocacy - Register Today for the Hemp Industry Research Needs Workshop

Rohan Hiatt

Our industry is at a turning point and you can help shape the path forward. Oregon State University’s Global Hemp Innovation Center–in partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture–is holding a FREE, virtual workshop to identify the science, research, and useful products that the hemp industry needs to help accelerate the establishment of hemp as a domestic commodity.

The Hemp Industry Research Needs Workshop will bring together policymakers, academics, and business owners to engage in a comprehensive discussion surrounding all aspects of the hemp industry. Not only will the Workshop focus on economic and market issues relating to hemp supply and value chains, but it will also include discussions of equity, law and policy, and systems science.

Our Founding Principal, Courtney N. Moran, LL.M., will join USDA for a presentation on current federal advocacy needs. A main goal of the Workshop is to collectively examine the needs of the hemp industry from a holistic perspective to foster transformational change and ensure that sustainable foundations are laid for a globally competitive future.

Virtual participation in the Hemp Industry Research Needs Workshop is free to the public: click here to register! The Workshop takes place on November 15, 2022, and the deadline for virtual registration is November 11.

If you cannot wait until the Workshop to consider these issues and more, check out the expert-prepared videos provided to preface the upcoming discussions!

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